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How did you hear about the Tribe of Investors?
Tell us about yourself...
What do you do for a living?
If Justin & Erik teach you everything they know about investing and help you achieve your financial goals, what needs to happen 1-3 years from now for you to feel satisfied with your progress?
Describe your past experience with money and investing?
Are you either an accredited investor or a qualified purchaser?
How much do you invest each year?
What is your annual income?
What is your net worth?
How much do you currently have in all of your investments broken down by asset class (stocks, bonds, cash equivalents, real estate, private equity, etc.)?
How much capital do you have available to invest now?
Assuming Justin & Erik either work with you or help you find some amazing investment opportunities that provide cash flow, passive income, and other benefits, what do you believe is the maximum amount you could find or access to invest?
What are the specific things you want to have Justin & Erik help you with?*
What are the specific things you want to have Justin & Erik help you with?*
Why haven’t you achieved these goals/dreams yet?*
Are there some business or investment opportunities you wish you could take advantage of but can’t for some reason? If so, what are they?*
What unique abilities and strengths are you coming to the table with? (Justin & Erik want to work with individuals that they can plug into their network who have unique or special skills and abilities)
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